exercise 2 - lines - lines in a photography

  • This picture includes 2 types of lines

1. Actual lines 
    Example: (the wooden pillars contouring and the horizon)

2. Implied lines
    Example: (the row of the wooden pillars)

  • lines directions and their meanings:
1.Horizontal lines: calmness, peace, and comfort.
   example: (the horizon)

2.vertical lines: show strength, formality, and firmness.
   Example: (the wooden pillars)

3. Curvilinear lines: refers to a graceful flowing movement.
   Example: (the row of the wooden pillars)

4. Diagonal lines: shows an active movement or a motion.
   Example: (the row of the wooden pillars on the top)


  • This picture includes also 2 types of lines

1. Actual lines 
    Example: (the pillars contouring, the roof, and the wall)

2. Implied lines
    Example: (row of pillars)

  • lines directions and their meanings:
1.Horizontal lines: calmness, peace, and comfort.

   example: (the roof)

2.vertical lines: show strength, formality, and firmness.
   Example: (the pillars)

3. Diagonal lines: shows an active movement or a motion.
   Example: (the row of pillars)


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