
Showing posts from September, 2017

Exercise 6 - Texture - Definition

A texture is: an element of art that means the tactile or the feeling of an object or something in visual art. 

Exercise 5 - Space- Illusion of space in drawing


Exercise 5 - space - illusion of space in photography

Liner Perspective Atmospheric Perspective Amplified perspective

Exercise 5 - space - illusion of space in art

Thomas Kinkade, Forest Chapel 1. overlapping:  -The house is in front of the trees  -The bushes are in front of the house 2. Size:  -The trees in front are bigger than the trees behind. 3.Atmospheric:  -the mountain and some trees in the back (a little bit). 4.liner perspective:  -the river and the trees are going to one vanishing point (which is at the end of the river).

Exercise 5 - Space - Definition

A space is: an element of art refers to the open area around, between, or within the components of a piece. 

Exercise 4 - Forms - one day, one theme

My theme is all about ice-cream which is one of my favorite type of food. My ice-creams present many types of geometric forms, such as cones. sphere, and cylinder. You can find also some organic forms. 

Exercise 4 - Forms - Forms in face masks


exercise 4 - Forms - definition

A form is: an element of art that appears in 3 dimension (3D): length, height, and depth. It can be organic or geometric (such as: sepher, cube, slab, cone, cylinder, and pyramid)

Exercise 3 - shapes - bad hair day


Exercise 3 - Shapes - Shapes in logos

The three stripes on the famous Adidas logo are geometric shapes (they have sharp edges and can be measured ). They represent a mountain, which shows that they are pointing out toward the peak and accept any challenge or come over any struggle, while they are aiming to achieve their goals. source:

Exercise 3 - Shapes - Meanings in shapes

This is how shapes and colors make me feel once I see them: Green rectangles: Hope, Nature, Eco-friendly. Blue circles: Infinitive, Endless, calmness (like a quiet ocean). Red triangles: Warning, Caution, Firmness (like a mountain). Yellow star: Brightness, Enthusiasm, Optimism. Black square: Hardness, Solidity, Immutable, Firmness.

Exercise 3 - Shapes - Definition

A shape is: An enclosed space (or a space surrounded by lines) limited in 2 Dimensions (2D), length and width, defined by colors, texture, values, etc..

Exercise 2 - lines - lines in art
