
Exercise 14 - Repetition and Pattern – Rhythm and Movement - Personal Fingerprints


Exercise 14 - Repetition and Pattern – Rhythm and Movement - Definition

Repetition is: A principle of design that shows  one object or shape repeated. Pattern is: A principle of design that shows some objects  or shapes repeated in a recurring and regular arrangement. Rhythm is: A principle of design that presents a   combination of elements repeated, but with variations. Movement is: A principle of design that presents   the process of relocation of objects in space over time.

Exercise 13 - Emphasis - Emphasis in drawing

The red line is the focal point that creates emphasis. It connects the objects visually. The eye will start looking at the girl and move with the line to reach the boy. Emphasis is showed by contrast in  colors.

Exercise 13 - Emphasis - Emphasis through color


Exercise 13 - Emphasis - definition

Emphasis is: An object or area that attracts attention and become a focal point. 

Exercise 12 - Proportion - Photomontage

Idea: A giant woman is cleaning the city with a vacuum, while the man is trying to run away from her.